1·Using these techniques and methods can realize full automation for data acquisition, data processing and data analysis.
2·This paper presents an automobile headlights tester, which is based on a single chip computer to realized its full automation.
3·The proposed algorithm has the advantages of adaptation to complicate boundaries, high quality boundary mesh and full automation.
4·There is full automation now - so the drivers just go flat on the throttle. No finesse is required right now, as electronics do everything for them.
5·Maybe full automation will someday make them truly safe, preventing most, or even all, of the million-plus traffic deaths that occur worldwide each year.
6·The utility model has the advantages of achieving full automation conveniently, combining multiple control modes into a whole and obtaining the best drying effects.
7·The method in the invention realizes the full automation of the recognition procedure, enhances the recognition accuracy, and largely improves the recognition speed.
8·And as the calibration process of the device realizes full automation without manual shift, thereby work intensity is relived and work efficiency is largely increased.
9·The key processes have achieved full automation or semi. It is the largest and the most advanced facilities, the best one of the manufacturing base of the equipment condition.
10·After this technique was adopted by stainless steel cold rolling project of company, the full automation is realized and the efficiency is improved in production of bell furnace.